Mega Image Menu

Estimated reading: 1 minute

This feature allows you to create a visually appealing image-based submenu with up to six elements, each linked to any page on or off your site. The image menu functions only when ‘Mega Menu’ is selected as the Menu Type in the ‘Header’ section.

For more information on how to set up a mega menu visit our “Header and Navigation Menu” guide.

Setting up the Image Menu is simple:

  1. Add the “Mega Image Menu” block to the “Header” section. In the “Menu Item” field, enter the name of the main menu item you want to assign the submenu to.
    • Ensure the main menu item does not have any existing submenus.
    • Note that this field is case-sensitive, and the names must match exactly.
  2. For each item, add:
    • An image
    • A title
    • A URL (the image will link to this destination once added)
  3. Optionally, include a separate link label and subheading for additional customization.
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Mega Image Menu

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