Info/Social Bar

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

This flexible header section can be used in multiple ways:

  • As a horizontal top bar with rotating announcement messages and an engaging countdown timer.
  • As a vertical floating social bar with the option to add a country/region switcher.

Let’s explore how to set this up.

Horizontal top bar

  1. Add the “Info/Social Bar” section to the header.
  2. From the “Bar Layout” drop-down, select “Horizontal.”
  3. If you’ve already set up your social media accounts in the theme settings, you can display them by ticking the “Show Social Media Icons” checkbox. The same applies to the “Country/Region” selector.

To customize the bar’s background and text colors, go to “Top Bar Options.” Here, you can also enable and set up the “Countdown Timer.”

You can choose to make the bar sticky on desktop, mobile, or both.

Note: If you use the horizontal top bar with the Alternative Header, make sure to adjust the top margins for the alternative header to prevent it from covering the bar.

Vertical bar

  1. Add the “Info/Social Bar” section to the header.
  2. From the “Bar Layout” drop-down, select “Vertical right” or “Vertical left”, depending on your preference.
  3. If you’ve already set up your social media accounts in the theme settings, you can display them by ticking the “Show Social Media Icons” checkbox. The same applies to the “Country/Region” selector.
  4. Adjust the vertical positioning of the bar in the “Vertical bar options

In the vertical bar, it’s not possible to display messages or the countdown timer. However, you can use the section twice: set one to horizontal to run the messages or timer, and the other to vertical to display social icons.

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